“The protection of the mountain, the protection of our ancestral domain means the protection all of humanity, so this is not only my struggle, but the struggle for my people and our struggle in defense of humanity."
- Bai Bibyaon Ligkayan Bigkay

Our Mission
SABOKAHAN aspires for the equal respect and recognition of indigenous women’s rights, capacities, and leadership in the overall struggle of the indigenous peoples for the right to life, ancestral land, and self-determination manifested in their own governance and development of their territories and affairs; and in general for the emancipation of all class, gender, race, and sectors from all forms of oppression and exploitation.
Our Vision
SABOKAHAN envisions a society of social justice, true equality and genuine peace where the political, socio-economic and cultural roots of the marginalization and exploitation of women, indigenous peoples and other oppressed people have been resolved.
What we strive to do
Work for short-term and long-term changes that leads to the emancipation of indigenous women from all forms of violence and economic and social injustices
Lumad women at the frontlines of the movement advancing women’s rights, indigenous people’s rights, human rights, and social justice
Work for programs alleviating the status and over all condition of women (such as basic social services such as reproductive and health rights)
Campaign, lobby, and initiate programs that work for increased access of Lumad women for basic social services such as health, education, and livelihood.